President's Message 2021
President's Message 2021

Chris Badurek, PhD, GISP, President, NYS GIS Association
Dear Valued Members;
Thank you for all of your support of the NYS GIS Association and for the opportunity to serve as President this year. After multiple years as member of the Board of Directors, I am proud to work with a group so dedicated to the development of our profession and community here in New York. I would also like to thank the Board of Directors and our Past President Jonathan Garner for leading us through the challenge of the impacts of COVID-19.
2020 was a challenging year like no other and GIS professionals across New York state have made significant contributions to keeping our communities safe and our businesses active, many of whom were recognized at our virtual Annual Business Meeting. I am certain GIS professionals across the state are making similar contributions to their organizations and communities without recognition and hope we will be able to share their stories over the coming year. The pandemic response has shown a light on the value of GIS and GIS professionals whose problem-solving skills, technical innovation, and commitment to accurate, actionable information provide a service to the people of New York State.
Although our in-person meetings, workshops, and networking events have paused over the year, we need member participation more than ever as our committee work and advocacy efforts continue on! A result of the pandemic on the workplace and in higher education has been increased virtual collaboration and videoconferencing. I believe these technologies are bringing us closer together and enabling sharing of GIS challenges and successes that help our community thrive. I encourage you to support your regional group, join us for a webinar, volunteer for a committee, mentor a new GIS professional, or simply encourage a colleague to join our Association.
Over this year, I invite your participation in the following tasks:
- Continuing professional development webinars that support our members
- Organizing a NYGeoCon that provides technical knowledge and networking opportunities among our GIS community members
- Highlighting the value of the contributions of a diverse and inclusive GIS workforce
- Increasing visibility and promotion of the value of the GISP credentia
- Growing membership from new members and developing the next generation of GIS leadership
Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas about the upcoming year with me directly, I would greatly enjoy hearing from you. I can be reached by using the Contact Us page.
Let’s keep our GIS community moving forward through the challenges in 2021!
Chris Badurek, PhD, GISP
President, NYS GIS Association