Board of Directors 2015
Board of Directors 2015
Name | Term Expires | Place of Work |
President, Susan Nixson | 2015 (2016 as Past-president) | City of Ithaca |
Past-President, Julie Tolar | 2015 | Regional Transit Service |
President-Elect, Mickey Dietrich | 2015 (2016 President) (2017 Past-President) | Tug Hill Commission |
Board Member, Richard D. Quodomine | 2015 | LocalPoint Technologies and Consulting |
Board Member, Julia W. O'Brien | 2015 | DHS/FEMA Region II |
Board Member, Carol Zollweg | 2016 | Bergmann Associates |
Board Member, Pete Walsemann | 2016 | Carthage Central High School |
Appointed and approved by the board.
Name | Place of Work |
Treasurer,Christa Hay, GISP | C.T. Male Associates, P.C. |
Secretary, Michelle Debyah | Town of Pittsford |