GISMO virtual Application Fair

Good morning All!

Forwarding this great opportunity onto you all on behalf of Alan Leidner and GISMO….  You are invited to attend the GISMO virtual Application Fair (AppFair) to be held via Zoom on Wednesday, June 8th, between 3PM and 5PM. The AppFair is an open event that can be attended at no charge by GISMO and NYSGISA members, and by all friends of GISMO. AppFair 2022 will feature several presentations from City Agencies on their latest GIS advances and use cases with the wider NYC Metro-Area spatial community. The AppFair also includes presentations of innovative technologies we feel are important to future GIS development.


Register and learn more about the event here: Upcoming Event – GISMO….a GIS hotspot (


Ross Baldwin, GISP

GIS Manager

Town of Southampton

116 Hampton Road

Southampton, NY 11968

Phone: 631.702.1994  | Dept: 631.702.1990

Fax: 631.283.6284


