The latest post from NYS GIS Association member Sam Wear, “Geogames: The Intersection of Geospatial and Games”, posted May 21, 2019, is available on his website eSpatially New York.

“Behind the scenes in the various worlds of films, games, science, military, government, and even the maker culture, is how “geo” has been gradually verging/bringing all of these industries together. The proliferation of smart phones with maps and searches for food and entertainment, geotagging, as well as ride sharing has brought “geo-data” to everyone and seemingly everything. Though geospatial data, geospatial analysis, and basic mapping and cartographic concepts have been well established for many years, it’s only been within recent years that technology has enabled science to push and combine animation and gaming with real world geometry.”

You can also follow Sam on Twitter @eSpatiallyNY