2023 Proposed Bylaws Changes

PDF of Proposed Bylaws Changes

Please join us at the 2023 NYS GIS Association Annual Meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Desmond Hotel, Albany, NY, at NYGeoCon. In addition to the summary of the past year’s accomplishments, changes to the bylaws will be voted on. The changes to the bylaws are highlighted in the proposed bylaws document.

Summary of Changes

These changes are designed to strengthen the Board and add additional talent and focus. We are recommending that the size of the Board be increased to six (6) Directors. This will create two (2) new Director positions with the alternate year terms currently in place. It is also proposed that the requirement that past presidents wait two (2) years before running for Director be removed. The most forward-looking change is the creation of a new position: Information Technology Officer (ITO). The back office of the Association needs rejuvenation. This appointed position will focus on achieving that goal.